Sunday, 23 August 2009


I never really accepted the theory that evolution is a random process, rather than a response to environment. A plant responds to its environment by turning its leaves towards the light. This isn't a random thing (you don't see random fluctuations in the way the leaves are facing), it's a direct response to the light source.
Isn't it likely that a species indulges in the same response to environment, only over a longer timeframe? Generational mutation as a means of maximising survival in the current environment. Primal cellular conciousness adapting to changing conditions rather than a haphazard random walk...

Tuesday, 2 June 2009

Honourable Members of Parliament

Amidst all the accusations of MPs fiddling the system that've come out these past couple of weeks, I think probably their worst (and most characteristic) action was to force the Speaker of the House to resign. They made him a scapegoat essentially because he refused to condemn THEIR actions! Typical of politicians to try to deflect attention from their own wrongdoing.

Wednesday, 20 May 2009

Dark Moon Rising

Just had a BNP leaflet come through the door, in aid of our upcoming local and Euro elections, and you can see how they're playing on all the nationalist sentiments in order to capitalise on both the recession and the recent expenses scandal in British politics. Sickening thing is they're probably going to do well as people are so hacked off with the mainstream parties that they're not going to bother voting. Reminds me of Weimar Germany in the 1930s - hard times leading to people losing all faith in politics leading directly to nutters getting into power and making things a hundred times worse for everyone. There's no easy solution to what's going on at present, but I hope it isn't the thin end of the wedge for a return of nationalist hatreds. People forget far too quickly.

Wednesday, 13 May 2009


It never ceases to amaze me how some people can spend hours and hours of their lives talking about how they never have enough time to get things done.